Opening new chapters: a book club for out-of-school children in Nigeria

Ashezi Akwashiki  | 

Photos courtesy of Ashezi Akwashiki

9-year-old Ashezi always loved to read, but when she began a book club for refugees, she took her dedication to reading to a new level.

Picture this – a dream unfolding in the quiet corners of my imagination and the enchantment found within the pages of books. It all started with a dream I've been eager to share with others. I'm Ashezi, a 9-year-old dreamer with a deep love for reading. Today, I'm taking you on a journey into how my dream of starting a book club, "Book Buddies By A," turned into a beautiful reality and is making waves of change at an Internally Displaced Persons' camp in Abuja, Nigeria.

The dream of starting a book club has always danced, in the cozy corners of my imagination. It's a dream fueled by the belief that books are more than just tales — they are bridges connecting hearts, minds, and dreams. I always imagined a space where kids could gather, dive into the wonders of books, and set off on adventures between the pages. 

So, I took the leap and brought "Book Buddies By A" to life. This club isn't just a book club; it's a haven for young minds eager to explore the enchanting world of literature. 

The magic didn't stop in my imagination — it spread its wings to touch the lives of children at the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp in Abuja.

Photos courtesy of Ashezi Akwashiki

With nearly 20 million out-of-school children, starting at the camp was intentional — a promise to make a positive impact where needed most. 

At the IDP camp, we aren't just flipping through pages; we're creating a community of young minds hungry for knowledge and eager to explore the vast landscapes of storytelling. These kids here have stories to tell and dreams to share, and through books, we're weaving a tapestry of hope and inspiration.

The impact of "Book Buddies By A" at the IDP camp is powerful. Children who once faced limited access to education are becoming avid readers, their imaginations ignited by the stories they discover. I've seen a change in their confidence, eagerness to learn, and, most importantly, how they see the world. Books can transform lives, and I witness that every day.

We’re creating a community of young minds hungry for knowledge and eager to explore the vast landscapes of storytelling.
— Ashezi Akwashiki

As "Book Buddies By A" continues to grow, my dreams for the future are expanding, too. I envision taking our book club to even more places, reaching more children, and creating a ripple effect of positive change. I want to continue impacting lives far and wide. Every child deserves the joy of reading, and I'm determined to make that happen.

My dream continues to unfold, chapter by chapter. My story isn't just about starting a book club; it's about fostering a love for learning, inspiring dreams, and proving that no dream is too small to make a significant impact. "Book Buddies By A" is my testament to the belief that we can create a brighter, more hopeful future for every child through the magic of books and learning.

Meet the Author
Meet the Author
Ashezi Akwashiki

established non-profit organization with the core objective of encouraging children to discover the joy of reading, expand their knowledge, and stimulate their creativity. She is 9-years-old and lives in Nigeria.